The Golden Star
Elements and Elementals
“You may read in The Secret Doctrine that: ‘Tradition tells of a grotto, a vast cave in the deserts of Central Asia, whereinto light pours through four seemingly natural apertures, or clefts, placed crossways at the four cardinal points. From noon till an hour before sunset the light streams in, of four different colours, as averred, red, blue, orange-gold and white, owing to some either natural or artificially prepared conditions of vegetation and soil. The light converges in the centre round a pillar of white marble with a globe upon it, which represents our earth. It is named the grotto of Zaratushta’ (*see Author’s note in sidebar)
“Included under the arts and sciences of the Fourth Race, the Atlanteans, the phenomenal manifestation of the Four Elements, which were justly attributed by these believers to the intelligent interference of the Cosmic Gods, assumed a scientific character. The Magic of the ancient Priests consisted in those days in addressing their Gods in their own language.
“ ‘The speech of men of the Earth cannot reach the Lords. Each must be addressed in the language of his respective Element.’ So says the Book of Rules, in a sentence which will be shown pregnant with meaning, adding as an explanation of the nature of that element-language:
‘It is composed of sounds, not words, of sounds, numbers and figures. He who knows how to blend the three, will call forth the response of the superintending Power’ (the Regent-God of the specific Element needed).
“Thus this ‘language’ is that of incantations or of mantras, as they are called in India; sound being the most potent and effectual magic agent, and the first of the keys which opens the door of communication between Mortals and Immortals. He who believes in the words and teachings of St. Paul, has no right to pick out from the latter those sentences which he chooses to accept, to the rejection of others; and St. Paul teaches most undeniably the existence of Cosmic Gods and their presence among us. But such attunements have only to do with material conditions, and not with the purely spiritual evolution of mankind.
“When Plato put in the mouth of the Highest Principle (Father Æther or Jupiter) the words: ‘The Gods of the Gods of whom I am the maker, as I am the Father of all their works,’ he knew the spirit of this sentence as fully as St. Paul did, when saying: ‘For though there be that are called Gods, whether in Heaven or in Earth, as there be Gods many and Lords many.’
“Both knew the sense and the meaning of what they put forward in such guarded terms.
“There is but one Element considered from a metaphysical and esoteric point of view, and the Root of it is the Deity. In esoteric teachings we are told that there are seven elements in all, five of which have already manifested; the last one to do so being the Æther, which is that principle which permeates everything. Plato said that the Four Elements are those which compose and decompose compound bodies—Fire, Air, Water and Earth. These are the symbols of the invisible Cosmic Gods; worshipped by the ignorant, respectfully recognized by the wise. The Elementals, or Nature Spirits, are the phenomenal sub-divisions of these principles, and of lower grades than the Elements themselves.
“In both the Egyptian and the Hebrew Temples there was a gigantic curtain, supported by five pillars, which separated the Holy of Holies—now the altar in the Christian Churches—from the profane. Only the priests were allowed to enter. The four colours of this curtain symbolized the four principal Elements, whilst the five pillars signified the divine Wisdom man can acquire by the right use of the five senses, with the aid of the four elements.
“The Symbols for the four elements are always the same in each country, or with each nation, when traced to their source. We find the God of Fire symbolized by thunder, as Jove or Agni; the God of Water symbolized by the fluvial bull, or some sacred river or fountain, as Varuna, etc; the God of Air is symbolized by the hurricane, cyclone, or tempest, as Vâyu and Indra; and the God or Spirit of the Earth, who appears in earthquakes as Pluto, Yama, and many others. These Cosmic Gods are found in every cosmogony or mythology.
“The Greeks had the Dodonean Jupiter, representing all the four elements and the cardinal points, known in Rome under the pantheistic title of Jupiter Mundus; in modern Rome he has become Deus Mundus, the One Mundane God. And it is argued that the Dodonean Jupiter was identified with Dis, or the Roman Pluto; with the Dionysus Chthonius, the Subterranean; and with Aidoneus, the King of the Subterranean World; whilst in the Codex Nazaræus it could be shown that Jehovah is based on Aidoneus and Dionysus the Iurbo-Adonaï as Jehovah is called, for in that Codex it is written: ‘Thou shalt not worship the Sun, who is named Adonaï, whose name is also Kadash and El-El, and also Lord Bacchus.’
“Baal-Adonis of the Babylonian Jews became the Adonaï in the transmission of the Jewish religious tradition, the later-vowelled Jehovah.
“Jupiter Aërius or Pan; Jupiter-Ammon, and Jupiter-Bel-Moloch, are all of one Cosmic Nature and correlations with Iurbo-Adonaï.”
“What is the difference between the Divine Principle, or Soul, of these great Nature Spirits and the Soul of Man?” asked Ma-u.
“The Divine Essence, or Fravarshi, which the French know as Ferouer, is the same in the Nature Spirits, or Gods of the Elements, in the sky, fire, water, plants, animals and man, even—in a dormant state—in the material Kingdoms. In Zoroaster’s Vendîdâd it is said: ‘Invoke, O Zarathustra! my Fravarshi, who am Ahura Mazda, the greatest, the best, the fairest of all beings, the most solid, the most intelligent . . . and whose Soul is the Holy Word—Mâthra Spenta.’
“The Fravarshi is the inner, immortal principle, or the Ego (higher mind) which reincarnates, that existed before the physical body of whatever kind, and survives them all. For this reason does Ahura Mazda tell Zarathustra to invoke his Fravarshi, or the true and impersonal Essence of Deity, One with Zarathustra’s own Atma, Soul, or Christ Principle, and not the false and personal appearance of Ahura Mazda.
“But in reality the Soul itself never incarnates, although it hovers round, and is closely connected with, the living body.
“There is a radical unity of the ultimate essence of each constituent part of compounds in nature—from star to mineral atom, from the highest Dhyân Chohan to the smallest infusorium, in fullest acceptation of the term, and whether applied to the spiritual, intellectual, or physical worlds—this unity is the one fundamental law of Occult Science. The Magnus Limbus, or Yliaster of Paracelsus, is the source from which all that is has sprung, and the little Limbus is each ultimate being that reproduces its form, and that has itself been produced by the greater. The little Limbus thus has all the same attributes and qualifications as the greater, and both are of the same potentialities; as father and son have each a similar organization, both coming from and returning to the same source; as the great Dragon of Wisdom is born of Fire and Water, and into Fire and Water will all be reabsorbed with him.
“As to the elementals—they are guided by the sure and unerring hands of the Rulers, Devas, or Angels, and so produce the phenomena of light, heat, magnetism, growth, decay, and so on. They manipulate the formation of minerals, the growth of crystals, the development of plants and animals, and the awakening within them of the first germ of consciousness, which can be distinctly noted in such creatures as the protistic Monera, half-plant, half-animal.”